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Jessica Roberts

Alliance Board (Secretary) and Economic Advisory Council
Co-Director of Certification, Real Organic Project, New York

Jessica fell in love with growing food for her community while working alongside her parents and grandparents in their gardens and orchard, and later through work with market farms in Northwest Pennsylvania. Her farm management experience includes vibrant Biodynamic farms, and as she continues to plant gardens and food forest on her blossoming homestead, she is embracing the impulse to learn more and apply biodynamic practices and principles. Jessica’s recent work as the Co-Director of Certification for Real Organic Project allowed her the opportunity to visit scores of farms, providing a deeper understanding of how each one is beautifully unique. She recently launched a food-systems focused consulting firm, Whole Farm Strategies, providing capacity building, project management and grant writing support to farms and nonprofits. She serves as Interim Assistant Director of Vilicus Institute.

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